Shaping Futures with Patten Capital: Your Partner in Progressive Investment
Empowering Financial Journeys with Trust, Expertise, and Innovation

About Patten Capital

At Patten Capital, we don't just "make" investments; we shape futures. Rooted in the belief that astute and purposeful investing can redefine financial horizons, we have positioned ourselves as more than just an investment manager – we are your partner in progress. We strive to achieve steady capital appreciation through our investment funds, harnessing our expertise, cutting-edge technology, and valuable relationships to deliver exceptional returns. Our unwavering commitment? To power the growth and success of every investor who entrusts their capital to us.

Our Core Principles

Trust: In an industry where uncertainty is the only certainty, trust is our currency. We earn it with every decision, every strategy, and every outcome. Transparency: Clarity is paramount. We maintain open communication lines, ensuring our investors are always in the know, forging a bond that goes beyond mere financial transactions. Tenacity: Our resolve remains unshaken, no matter the market conditions. In bullish uptrends or bearish downturns, our spirit of persistence sets the pace.

Why Patten Capital?

Unparalleled Expertise: Steered by a team with decades of cumulative experience, our insight into market intricacies is second to none. We don't just follow trends; we interpret them, harnessing data to sculpt strategies that resonate. Tailored Solutions: Every investor is a story, distinct and profound. We listen, understand, and then tailor our investment solutions, ensuring alignment with individual aspirations and risk appetites. Unyielding Integrity: For us, integrity isn't just about adhering to industry standards; it's about setting them. Every action we undertake, and every relationship we build, is rooted in respect, honesty, and mutual growth. Future-Forward Innovation: The investment world is in a state of flux, and we are at the forefront, decoding shifts, and designing strategies that don't just respond but anticipate. Craft Your Legacy with Us: At Patten Capital, we envision a world where every investment goal is not just realized but surpassed. Together, let's sculpt a financial journey that is enduring, empowering, and exemplary.

The Story of Patten Capital

Brian Patten's legacy is an intricate tapestry woven from threads of dedication, foresight, and unparalleled expertise in real estate development. His 24-year-long journey is the very foundation upon which Patten Capital stands today. Let's dive deep into the inspiring story of how Patten Capital came into existence.From a tender age of 19, Brian found himself surrounded by the world of land and property, thanks to his family’s four-generation-long legacy in the land business. He took baby steps, starting with sales in their land company, but soon, he wasn’t just walking; he was sprinting. Brian’s knack for identifying lucrative opportunities led him to master the complexities of acquisitions. His role wasn't limited to just sourcing off-market deals; he artfully underwrote, negotiated, and entitled acquisitions. Brian's professional journey saw its zenith when he strategically purchased $27 million worth of distressed assets during the 2008 financial crisis. He engaged directly with bank REO managers and the FDIC, ensuring the assets' best value. His pursuit of excellence didn't stop there. Between 2010 and now, Brian has acquired an astounding $35 million worth of real estate. And the fruit of this hard work? A staggering $73 million in sales. By 2013, Brian's prowess in the field was evident as he scaled a startup homebuilding company to an annual sales figure of over $40 million within a two years.

In the midst of his success in real estate, Brian's innovative drive led him to the crossroads of technology and property. He established Freehold, LLC in 2018, a prop-tech venture marrying his dual passions. While Freehold isn’t operational today, the company's invaluable intellectual property remains under Brian's watchful eye, a testament to his forward-thinking vision.

For over a decade, Brian's reputation grew exponentially, leading numerous investors to approach him, eager to be part of his "next big deal." They saw what Brian had accomplished, and they wanted in. It was clear to Brian that there was an opportunity to combine his vast experience with investor capital to generate outsized returns. And thus, in June 2023, after wrapping up commitments with National Land Partners, the dream became a reality – Patten Capital was born. Operating out of Fernandina Beach, Florida, Patten Capital is currently focused exclusively on seizing distressed acquisition opportunities throughout the United States. With Brian Patten at the helm, Patten Capital is not just a company; it's a legacy in the making. It stands as a testament to Brian's undying passion, grit, and vision for the future.